Donor Family Facebook Group
Indiana Donor Network’s Aftercare Support team created and moderates a private Facebook group for the purpose of providing a way for friends and families of donors to connect with and support one another along their grief journey. The group is moderated during weekday business hours by Indiana Donor Network’s aftercare support team. However, members can participate 24/7 once they complete and agree to the disclaimer.
For more information, contact the Aftercare Support team, or by calling 888.275.4676, press 4.
Join the Group
We are honored and welcome you to join our private Donor Family Facebook group! To join this group, you must be a friend or family member of an organ, eye or tissue donor, complete and submit the form below as well as verify that you have read and agree to the Indiana Donor Network Family Facebook Group disclaimer. After submitting this form there is one more step to take in order to be added to the group. This remains a private group but is now visible. Please go to the Facebook search function and locate the Indiana Donor Network Private Donor Family Facebook group. Once you find our page please request to join. In conjunction with also receiving the disclaimer, you will be added to the group within a few business days.
Guidelines & Membership
- Private Group – cannot be seen by the public, invite only
- What’s the meaning of “Private” group – nonmembers do not have the ability to search, seek out, or join this group on Facebook, this is an invite only group
- To promote support and privacy membership is restricted to Indiana Donor Network donor family members
- Donor families say that it can be beneficial to talk to and receive support from other donor families
- Membership is approved by Indiana Donor Network and may be terminated by INDN at any time if a member is in violation of this information
- Members may choose to interact with or leave the group at any time at their own discretion
- Nonmembers also cannot see if you are a member by looking at your profile
- Online Donor Family Facebook Request Form – with Disclaimer and Terms of use as link
- Administered by Aftercare Support team (periodically during business hours)
- Purpose – to provide support to donor families in an online forum – donor families are able to give and receive support from one another in this secret group
- If you think other members of your family would benefit from becoming a member of the group email the Aftercare Support Team and cc the family member you would like to invite to suggest they be invited to the secret group. The email should also include the following:
- Donor first and last name
- The other family member’s name as it is displayed on Facebook
- Acknowledgement that you would like them to be added as a member of the secret group
- The disclaimer will then be emailed to the family member you are inviting
- Referrals / Requests to receive individual or group support – contact the Aftercare Support Team – 888.275.4676 or
Terms of Use
- Terms must be followed – if you cannot follow the terms, please remove yourself from the site and exit the group list
- Emergency services are not available through this site – although the site is monitored during business hours, it is not monitored 24/7
- If you are in need of emergency services or are experiencing any of the following please call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room
- Life threatening situation
- Feeling suicidal or homicidal
- Aware of child abuse, elder abuse, or dependent abuse
- Medical advice cannot be given through this site, as our Aftercare Support Team are not medical physicians – medical advice can only be provided by a physician. If you are seeking medical advice please contact your personal physician
- Because of the nature of the site – a social media site – it cannot be considered private or secure. As with any social media site it is your responsibility to take appropriate steps to protect your personal information online.
- Members may not disclose or share any member/patient information (except their own) of any kind on this site without the expressed written permission of the member/patient.
- Even when an individual is not identifiable by name, if there is a reasonable basis to believe that the person could still be identified from the information, then its use or disclosure could constitute violation of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Content that includes personal health information that is not your own cannot be posted on this site.
- To protect both donor families and recipients, Indiana Donor Network adheres to established protocol and guidelines pertaining to anonymous written correspondence communications. This Facebook page is an online forum for Indiana Donor Network Donor Families only. Indiana Donor Network will maintain its Facebook page in accordance with Indiana Donor Network Policy AC-3.000 Donor Family/Transplant Recipient Communication & Identity Disclosure, as well as Facebook’s terms of use and rules.
- Facebook Group Members may not disclose any confidential or proprietary information of or about Indiana Donor Network, its affiliates, vendors, or suppliers, including but not limited to business and financial information, represent that they are communicating the views of Indiana Donor Network, or do anything that might reasonably create the impression that they are communicating on behalf of or as a representative of Indiana Donor Network.
- Indiana Donor Network Aftercare Support Team reserves the right to delete user posts or content for reason including, but not limited to, posts containing the following and anyone who disregards these guidelines will be blocked from the site:
- Confidential Information
- Conflicts with any Indiana Donor Network policy
- Donor or clinical activity information
- Unprofessional or inflammatory language (libelous, defamatory, false, obscene, indecent, lewd, violent, abusive, threatening, harassing, discriminatory, etc)
- Adversely affect Indiana Donor Network’s mission
- Misinformation about donation
- Anything that discourages donor designation
- Anything that adversely affects advocate involvement
- Overall offensive to supporters
- Only post, upload or transmit content that you have copyrighted or have permission to post from the original source.
- Facebook group members must not say or suggest that the views and opinions they express related to Indiana Donor Network and related to health care topics represent the official views of Indiana Donor Network.
- Products/Endorsements: We do not allow any posts that are considered endorsements of products or services. Additionally, users should not use this site to solicit contributions.
On behalf of Indiana Donor Network thank you for visiting and supporting our page.
If you have comments or suggestions, please send us a private message.