What is the Angel Fund?
The Angel Fund supports transplant recipients by helping with the cost of medications. For those fortunate enough to receive an organ transplant, they truly have been given the gift of life. Their goal is to stay focused on getting healthy again to honor that gift. Your support helps not one, but hundreds of transplant recipients live healthier lives as active members of their families and communities.
Additionally, families of donor heroes often experience unexpected financial hardships and the need for grief support after the loss of a loved one. Your contribution to the Angel Fund can assist families with education and support resources as they travel through their grief journeys. The Angel Fund supports children in a weeklong summer camp exclusively dedicated to serving children affected by organ and tissue donation.
Why support the Angel Fund?

You can make a gift in honor of or in memory of a loved one. A letter will be sent to the person or their family letting them know a gift has been made (without disclosing the gift’s value).

The Angel Fund empowers friends and family by giving them an answer to the question, “What can I do to help?”
Contribute online or mail your tax-deductible contribution to:
Angel Fund
c/o Indiana Donor Network Foundation
3760 Guion Rd.
Indianapolis, IN 46222